Maria M. Khuzeema Zariwala

A young girl,

As rare as a pearl,

Completely was life changed,

In the best way explained.


Leaving home had her heartbroken,

Making her a confident person.

A leap of faith is all she took,

Began her journey to study The Book.


Across the sky, she flew,

Not knowing even, a clue,

In Allah is her trust,

To a new life, she had to adjust.


“Tell me more!”, exclaims my grandchild,

“Oh, how wonderful seems her life!” she cried.

“My boy, lend your ear to this part,”

“For her journey was a work of art.” 


Entering her room with grace,

Emotions gush to her face.

Standing there are her roommates,

Ready to welcome her and congratulate.


The Nairobi mukhayyam,

For an adventure, here I am!

With foundations so strong,

Becoming Hafiz not before long.

To help children exceed in life,

All to blossom and ahead they’d strive.


Breakfast in the morning,

While some might be snoring.

Lunch meals at noon,

How did the day end so soon?

She ends the day at Souq,

With friends always there to amuse,

Laughing softly in their rooms,

Hifz time now resumes.


Dawning upon us is the night,

Stars sparkling so bright,

All the glimmering faces in sight,

With The Quran’s soothing light.


Sitting on the edge of the stairs,

People thought it might not be fair,

For a girl all so new,

To accomplish her goals in months so few.


Some took it as a competition,

She made it her motivation.

 The Quran is her only true friend.

Helping her to comprehend.


“What gave her that motivation?”

“It was all in her dedication”,

To practice with concentration.

Learning Quran day and night,

Became her reason for delight.


“What if I don’t make it”? A voice would say,

The thought haunted her all day,

Maula’s words would expel all the dismay,

And saved her from going astray.


Finally, the day had arrived,

She hoped for before she died.

Breathing, feeling alive inside,

She sat down and cried.


Thanked the All-Mighty, “Oh Allah,”

“For everything along the way”

“You and Maula, are the reason for this day,”

“A great blessing is what I can say.”


Close came the time to part,

Sadness approaching her heart,

Days she once lived would now seem,

Like a cherished unforgettable dream.


Their last meal together,

Tears rolled down forever,

All stood there, their eye chose to cry,

For they waved their sister goodbye.


“What an amazing journey”

Explains my boy with certainty,

“Only will it make sense for those who believe”

“Grandma, this inspiration I promise, will never leave .”


The story is an insight,

To make my grandchildren recite,

The holy Quran till the day,

Inside their graves they may lay.


The Quran will change never,

 Keeping us altogether,

With verses oh so clever,

The light that shines forever.


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