LE SOURIRE (3rd Place)


The Smile 

Fatema Khumusi

A million things, there to say

A million thoughts, night and day

A million miles far away

Is the state, of being ‘kay’


A fiery storm raging within

Chaos dancing under the skin

Fear, anger, agony, and despair

All bottled up as one in there


No one else could hear the yells

The anguish, hidden, though it swells

Being ripped apart, pulled a thousand ways

The mind in mayhem, forever stays 


Yet, amidst the havoc, tranquility is found

Which, to the mind, is a soothing sound

A moment of peace, a curve on the lips

A smile, no cloud could ever eclipse


A smile that cools down the rage

A smile that opens up the cage

A smile that is music to the ears

A smile that drives away the fears


It shines to say, despite the turmoil

In a mind that shall never uncoil

Peace and calm can always be sought

with the ray of hope, a ‘piece’ of thought


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